*** Add New Devices Aa:Install Ab:Add Ac:Scan Ad:Scan all Ae:Copying file AA:Copying model names... A1:[1][Welcome!|First, configure your ports,|and hit Return.][OK] A2:[1][Welcome!|Please select the models you have|(shift-click for multiple selection).|Then check if all your devices are connected|in both directions with the computer, and hit Return.][OK] A3:[1][^0 "^1"|is not yet installed.|Install it?][Abort|OK] A4:[1][Please locate file|"^0"|for installation|(you may have to|insert a different disk).][Cancel|OK] A5:[1][Install further files|without asking?][No, ask|OK] A6:[1][Please click on "Scan" to scan|the selection automatically|or "Add" to add it manually.][OK] *** Configuration *C0 occupied! C1:[2][There are no|devices selected.|Perform this operation|on all devices?][Cancel|OK] C2:Computer C3:[2][Not all data could be received|from ^0.][Cancel|Skip|Retry] C4:[1][Load new Preferences:|Save current Preferences first?][Don't save|Cancel|OK] C5:[0][Do you want to transmit the loaded entries|or move them into a Library?][Abort|Library|Transmit] *C6 occupied! C7:[2][No suitable|SysEx data found.][OK] C8:[0][Do you want to transmit|the loaded entries?][Abort|Transmit] C9:[1|CAUTION!][Device entries have been loaded|from Preferences file.|Possibly, your devices contain|different data in the meantime.|If you are in doubt, better receive all|data again.][No further warnings|OK] *CA occupied! CE:Preferences CG:Library CI:Module *CN occupied! Ca:Setup Cb: New Cc: Install...|^D Cd: Scan all models|^mD Cf: Load...|^L Cg: Build Library Ch: Save as... Cm: Editable Entries Cn: Memory Co: All Entries Cp: Selected Entries Cq: Known Entries *** Devices D1:[2][No new Device found!|Please check MIDI cables|and Devices.][Cancel|Retry] D2:[1][There is already a|^0.|Do you want to add a|^1?][Cancel|OK] D3:(unknown) D4:already used: D5:[3][No more Device ID's.][Cancel] D6:[3][Do you really want to|delete all selected Devices|(undo not possible)?][Cancel|OK] D7:[2][There is already|a compatible Device|with the same ID|on this output.][Cancel] D8:[2][This would cause a MIDI loop.][Cancel] Da: Entry Db: Initialize|^I Dc: Rename|^mN Dd: Surf!|^D De: Dive!|^E Df: Append to Library|^mL Dg: Next Device|^TAB Dh: Previous Device|^mTAB DA:Special Parameters DB:No Device *** Editor E1:[1][You are currently comparing with the old version.|Do you want to continue with this one?|You will lose the edited version.][Cancel|OK] E2:[1][There is nothing selected.|Perform the operation for the whole entry?][Cancel|OK] Ea: Editor Eb: Link Window|^mL Ec: Overview|^mO Ed: Compare|^mC Ee: Store|^mS Ef: Store in...|^mM Eg: Snapshot|^mN Eh: New Window|^E Ei: Initialize|^I Ej: Randomize|^D Eo:Overview Er: Range Es: Full Range Et: Initialize Eu: Mirror vertically Ev: Mirror horizontally Ew: Interpolate Ex: Extrapolate EA:Original version Edited version *** Files/Disk F1:[1][Standard MIDI Files will be loaded|into the suitable Devices.][Cancel|OK] F2:[2][File ^0|is not a SoundDiver ^1|^2 File!][Cancel] F3:[3][File ^0 has a|wrong ^1 Version!|Use INSTALL to update it!][I will] F4:[3][Error reading file|"^0"][Cancel] F5:[2][Error reading/writing file|"^0":|^1.][Cancel^2] FA:Saving FB:Loading FC:[3][Error writing file|"^0"|(Disk full?)][Cancel] FD:[1][Formatting will delete|all data on disk in|Drive A:][Cancel|Format] FE:Formatting... FF:[2][Format Error.][Cancel|Retry|New Disk]" FG:Clearing Disk ... FI:[1][Delete file|"^0"?][Cancel|OK] FJ:Auto-Save in %d seconds... *** Flow Fa:MIDI In Fb:MIDI Out *** Global G0:[1][Sorry...|This function is not|yet implemented.][Cancel] G1:[3][Not enough Memory.][Cancel] G2:[3][Internal Error|Something strange has happened.|Try to avoid it. (%d)][I will] G4:[2][No printable contents|in topped window.][Cancel] G5:[1][This program is not yet installed.|Install on Hard Disk or use Master Disk?][Install|Master] G6:[3][Illegal Block Offset.][OK] G7:[2][Printer not ready.][Retry|Cancel] G8:[0][Please insert a new sheet.][Cancel|OK] G9:[2][Please insert your Master Disk|in Drive A:.][Cancel|OK] G-:[1][Please re-insert your Work Disk|in Drive A:.][OK] G.:[0][Request the new|Devices' Memories?][Cancel|OK] G!:[3][Memory is getting dangerously low.|Try to save your data|and close unused windows and documents.][OK] Ga:OK Gb:Cancel Gc:Abort Gd:Help Ge:About Gf:No Gg:Done Gi:All Gj: Parameters|aH Gk: Options Gl:Skip Gn:(Data unknown) Go:Store Gp:Don't Store Gq:Overwrite GA:No. GB:Name GC:Module GD:Model GE:Data Type GF:Size GG:Date GH:Comment GI:Sequence GJ:Used by... GK:Uses.. G<:Location GL:Manufacturer G%:Connected to GM:Out Port G&:Return to GN:Device ID GO:Thru Ch GP:Version GQ:Timeout (ms) GR:Send Pause (ms) GS:Play Delay (ms) GT:Patchbay Prg G>:Standard Prg GU:..Out/Ch GV:..Delay GW:Time GX:Master Keyboard GY:Auto-Request GZ: none I I+C I+C+R all *** Help System H0:Help File H1:(no Help available) H2:Help H3:None (Universal Module is not present). HA:Index HB:Help Files HC:Help System HD:Editor HE:Memory Manager HF:Device Parameter box HG:SysEx Communication Error HH: Module Ha:Important Hb:Mouse Operation Hc:Example Hd:Information He:Listen to MIDI Hf:Copy Operation Hg:Modules: Hh:Adaptations: *** Entries I0:[2][No suitable Edit Entry found.][Cancel] I1:[2][This Entry is unknown|and can't be requested.|Initialize it?][Cancel|Initialize] I2:[2][This Entry is unknown.|Request it?][Cancel|Initialize|OK] I3:[2][No suitable Target|Entry found.][Cancel] I5:[Select a suitable Target Entry.] I6:[Target Entry is receive only (ROM).|Please select a different one.] I7:[Target Entry edited, but not yet saved.|Do you want to overwrite it with|%s?] I8:[No more Target Entries available.|Please select a different one.] I9:[2][This Entry is unknown.|Request it?][Cancel|OK] IA:[Module %s can't convert a|%s %s to this %s %s.|Select a different target.] IB:[2][Entry ^0 needs|^1|which is yet unknown.][Abort|Ignore|Ignore All|Request|Request All] IC:[The target Entry is currently not|available. Select a different one.] ID:[1][Clear Entries:|Clear Entries in Device as well?][No|Clear] II:[Paste %s %s|to ...] IJ:[Swap %s %s|with ...] IL: received. IM:Copying Entries... IN:Entry in Library "%s" IO:Append to Library "%s" IP:[3][Entries ^0|and ^1|cannot be swapped,|because a link in entry|^2|cannot be adjusted accordingly.][Abort] Ia:Close Editor Ib:AUTO-STORE edited Entry to Ic:Paste Entry Id:Swap Entry Ie:Store in ... *** Libraries L0:[2][For some Library Entries,|no suitable Device was found.][OK] L1:[2][No suitable Device found|for this Library Entry.][Cancel] L2:[0][Nothing found.][OK] L3:[1][Really delete|%ld entries?][Cancel|OK] L4:[2][^0:|Unknown file format.][Abort|Skip] L5:[2][There are no|entries selected.|Perform this operation|on all entries?][Cancel|OK] L6:[1][Paste: %ld doubles found.|Delete them?][No|Delete] L7:[3][Library too large.][Cancel] L8:[1][Entry "^1"|is used by another Entry.|Delete "^1"?][Cancel|No|OK] L9:[1][Entry "^1"|is used by ^0 Entries.|Delete "^1"?][Cancel|No|OK] L.:[1][Really rename ^0 Entries?][Cancel|OK] LA:Find LB:Find and select objects matching following condition: LC: selected LD:No Selection LE:Find: LF:Find Again LG:Converting POLYFRAME Library ... LH:Searching ... Press ESC to abort LI:More Options LJ:Fewer Options LK:New Title LL:Importing %s File %s ... LM:Copying Entries... LN:Pasting Text... LO:Pasting Entries... LP:Checking Doubles... LQ:not loaded LR:Search in all documents LS: The Name The Model The Data Type The Date The Size The Comment The Data The Location LT: is equal to Selection. is similar to Selection is equal in pairs. is similar in pairs. contains does not contain begins with ends with is is not LU: is is not is before is after LV: is is not is less than is greater than LW: Select one Select all Add to Selection Select in Selection Keep first, delete rest LX:Title LY:Clearing Doubles... La: Library Lb: Surf!|^D Lc: Dive!|^E Ld: Store Sequence Le: Insert Title|^mT Lf: Insert File... Lg: Show Lh: No. Li: Name Lj: Module Lk: Model Ll: Device ID Lm: Data Type Lt: Location Ln: Size Lo: Date Lp: Comment Lq: Sequence Lr: Used by... Ls: Uses... Lw: All Lx: None Ly: Sort Lz: auto *** MIDI M0:[2][SysEx Communication Error|%s][Help|Abort%s] M1:[2][^0 and ^1|are both disabled.|Do you want to open|the Preferences window?][Cancel|OK] M2:[3][MIDI Data couldn't be sent!|Check interface. Switch off|unused ports in preferences|to speed up the program!][Preferences|OK] M3:Sending %s to %s ... M4:Receiving %s from %s ... M5:Data M7:|Retry M8:%s didn't respond. M9:[1][If you want to transmit|^0,|you have to transmit the entire Bank.^1][Cancel|^2Transmit] M.:|However, only part of Bank is known.|Initialize unknown Entries? M,:Initialize + M+:[2][Entry ^0|cannot be requested.|Try to send an active dump.][Abort|Skip] M-:[2][Some Entries cannot be requested.|Try to send these manually.][Cancel|OK] M*:[2][The ^0 is used|by another program][Cancel] M=:[3][MIDI Data couldn't be sent!|Check interface.|Deactivate "Release ... in Background|if stopped" in LOGIC.][OK] M?:[2][No suitable LOGIC Instrument|for MIDI Thru found.|Create a new one?][Cancel|Create|Always Create] M/:[3][This version of LOGIC is too old|to run correctly with AutoLink.|Using AutoLink is |NOT recommended.][Quit|Use|Don't use] M$:Sending MIDI data... M%:[2][A MIDI Time Piece is not correctly configured.|Configure it?][No further warnings|Don't configure|Configure] Mc:[3][MIDI Data couldn't be sent!|Check interface. Switch off|unused ports in “PatchBay”|to speed up the program!][OK] MM:Modem Port MN:Printer Port *** Modules MA:[3][Module not loaded|or Adaptation not found.][Cancel] MD:[1][Module has no|Editor for this Entry!][Cancel] ME:[3][Illegal Init Size:|Init Tree -> %ld|Entry Size -> %ld][OK] MF:Loading Module %s ... MH:[0][^0|Version ^1|Release ^2|^3][OK] MO: 01 VFX -F VFX -F VFX SD -F VFX SD II -F SD-1 02 SY77 -43 SY77 -43 TG77 -43 SY99 03 T1 -42 T1 -42 T2 -42 T3 04 DX7 -43 DX7 -43 TX7 -43 DX7 II -43 TX802 05 PRO -18 Pro/1 -18 Pro/2 -18 Pro/1 XR -18 Pro/2 XR 06 MW -3E microWAVE 07 D70 -41 D-70 09 M1 -42 M1 -42 M1R -42 M1R-EX 0A U20 -41 U-20 -41 U-220 0C WS -42 Wavestation -42 WS-A/D -42 Wavestation SR 0E M3R -42 M3R 0F D50 -41 D-50 -41 D-550 11 01W -42 01/W -42 01R/W -42 01/W PRO (X) -42 03R/W -42 05R/W 12PPMM -0 PMM-44 -0 PMM-88 13PA880 -41 A-880 14 JV -41 JV-80 -41 JV-880 -41 JV-1000 -41 JV-90 15 S1000 -47 S1000 -47 S1100 -47 S2800 -47 S3000 -47 S3200 16PSYNAPSE -15 Synapse 17PMIDIBAY -3E Midibay 18PKMX -99 KMX-16 -99 KMX-8 19 DP4 -F DP/4 1A K2000 -7 K2000 -7 K2000R FF UNI -6 300 -52 9010 -41 A-50, A-80 -F ASR-DISKS -41 Alpha Juno 1/2 -41 Boss ME-5 -43 CBX-T3 -43 Clavinova PF P-100 -41 D-10, D-20 -41 D-110 -41 D-5 -43 D1030 -8E D4 -41 DEP-3 -41 DEP-5 -30 DLS223 -43 DMP11 -43 DMP7 -43 DMP9-16 -43 DMP9-8 -47 DP88 -4C DPS-D7 -4C DPS-M7 -4C DPS-R7 -41 DR-660 -1A DR-X -30 DRP15 -42 DVP-1 -42 DW-8000, EX-8000 -43 DX11 -43 DX21/27/100 -43 DX7IIE! -41 E-660 -43 EMT-10 -1A EXT -15 FADERMASTER -43 FB-01 -41 FC-100 Mk.II -43 FX900 -34 Function Junction/Plus -41 GP-8 -41 GR-50 -41 GS-6 -0 Generic -0 Generic SysEx -55 HAMMOND XB-2 -55 HAXB2PRESETS -A9 INTELLIFEX -41 JD-800 -41 JD-990 -1096 JMP-1 -41 JX-1 -41 JX-8P -40 K1 -40 K4 -40 K5,K5m -0 Keys -1090 LMTC/TASCAM TSR-8 Remote -6 LXP-1 -6 LXP-15 -6 LXP-5 -10 M-1000 -4E M-2516 -4E M-2524 -7E M5000 -47 MB76 -47 ME-80P -7 MIDIBOARD -8E MIDIVERB III -41 MKS-50 -41 MKS-7 Bass -41 MKS-7 Chord -41 MKS-7 Melody -41 MT-32 -1A MV II -1A MV III -87 MX-8 -10 Matrix-6, Matrix-6R -1 Max -0 Mixer -0 Monitor -1 MultiTrak -0 Niche-ACM -0 Numerical Systems -10 OB-8 -2B OSCAR -41 PAD-80 -9B PC-1600 -6 PCM-70 -47 PEQ6 -41 PRO-E -18 PRO/CUSSION -0 PROGAP -43 ProMix 01 -0 Program-Selector -1 Prophet10 -1 Prophet5 -8E QUADRA-GT -8E QUADRA-Plus -8E QUADRAVERB -43 QY10 -43 QY10 Pattern Names -41 R-5 -41 R-70 -41 R-8 -41 R-8M -43 RM50 -41 RSP-550 -40 RV-4 -41 Rhodes MK-80 -0 Roland Addresses -41 S-330, S-550 -41 SC-55 -42 SDD-3300 -41 SDE-330 -41 SE-50 -1A SGE -1A SGE MACH II -41 SPD-11 -41 SPD-8 -43 SPX1000 -43 SPX900 -43 SPX990 -F SQ -F SQ-80, ESQ-1, ESQ-M -8E SR-16 -41 SRV-2000 -43 SY55, TG55 -43 SY85 -1 SixTrak -33 TC1128 -33 TC2290 -43 TG100 -43 TG33 -43 TG500 -F TS-10, TS-12 -43 TX16W -43 TX81Z -41 U-110 -3F VOLCON 128-D -1 VS -1 VS-PROGRAMMER -18 Vintage Keys -1A X-15 -40 XD-5 -10 Xpander -43 YS_TQ5 -25 bit01 -25 bit99 *** Preferences Pa:Use GEM Clipboard Pb:Mouse as Slider Pc:Save Device Entries when quitting: Pd:editing unknown Entries Pe:closing changed Edit Windows Pf:overwriting edited Entries Pg:overwriting Memory Entries Ph:deleting Doubles Pi:Check Doubles Pj:Modem Port Pk:Printer Port Pl:Check for MTP Pn:MTP Cable Mode Po:Fast Speed Pp:PowerBook Bug Fix mode Ps:Preferences Pt: Communication Global Settings Safety Messages Pu:Process incoming MIDI only for active Device Pv:ms additional timeout Pw:Texture Background Px:Sound Effects Py:Show Progress Pz:Flicker-free redraw PA:Synchronize Screensets PB:Num Lock PC:after loading Device Entries from Preferences PD:Request retries PE:Reopen Libraries PF:Auto-Save Libraries every PG:Auto-Snapshot every PH:Check MTP configuration *** Sequencer Qb:Tempo (BPM) Qc:Autoplay Qe:Drum Autoplay Qf:Sequencer Qg:(external) Qh:MIDI Manager Qi:MIDIShare Qj:Mini Sequencer Qk:OMS Ql:AutoLink/LOGIC Qm:M*ROS Qn:Soft Link *** Scan S1:Computer S2:All from S3:Scanning Patchbay Connections...|Input: |Output: S5:All S6:[2][No Patchbay Connections found.][Cancel|Retry] S7:[1][Model ^0 cannot be scanned.|Please install it manually|(Alt-doubleclick).][OK] Sa:Scanning... Sb:Model: Sc:at: Sd:Input: Se:Output: Sf:ID: SA:Connections to Computer SB:Inputs SC:Outputs *** Page Setup Ua:Page Setup Ub:Page Width Uc:Page Height Ud:Margins: Ue:Top: Uf:Bottom: Ug:Left: Uh:Right: Ui:Page Number None Top Left Top Center Top Right Bottom Left Bottom Center Bottom Right Uj:Newline control code Carriage Return (CR) Line Feed (LF) CR + LF Uk:Paper Type Single Sheet Endless Ul:Print Um:Copies: Un:From: Uo:To: *** Undo UA:Undo %s UB:Redo %s UC:Can't Undo UD:Cut UE:Copy UF:Paste UG:Clear UH:AutoStore UI:Move UJ:Parameter Change UK:Sort UL:Surf UM:Initialize UN:Rename UO:Transmit UP:Import UQ:Swap *** Manufacturers Mu:(undefined) Ma:(other) 01 Sequential 02 IDP 03 Voyetra/Octave-Plateau 04 Moog 05 Passport Designs 06 Lexicon 07 Kurzweil 08 Fender 09 Gulbransen 0A AKG 0B Voyce Music 0C Waveframe 0D ADA 0E Garfield 0F Ensoniq 10 Oberheim 11 Apple 12 Grey Matter Response 13 Digidesign 14 Palm Tree Instruments 15 JL Cooper 16 Lowrey 17 Adams-Smith 18 Emu 19 Harmony Systems 1A ART 1B Baldwin 1C Eventide 1D Inventronics 1E Key Concepts 1F Clarity 20 Passac 21 Siel 22 Synthaxe 23 Stepp 24 Hohner 25 Crumar / Twister 26 Solton 27 Jellinghaus 28 Southworth 29 PPG 2A JEN 2B SSL Limited 2C P. Strüven 2D Neve 2E Soundtracs 2F Elka/General Music 30 Dynacord 31 Intercontinental 32 Drawmer 33 t.c. electronic 34 Audio Architecture 35 GeneralMusic 36 Cheetah 37 C.T.M. 38 Simmons 39 Soundcraft 3A Steinberg 3B Wersi 3C Avab Electronik Ab 3D Digigram 3E Waldorf 3F Quasimidi 40 Kawai 41 Roland 42 Korg 43 Yamaha 44 Casio 45 Moridaira 46 Kamiya Studio 47 Akai 48 Japan Victor 49 Mesosha 4A Hoshino Gakki 4B Fujitsu 4C Sony 4D Nisshin Onpa 4E TEAC 4F System Product 50 Matsushita 51 Fostex 52 Zoom 53 Midori 54 Matsushita 55 Suzuki 7D Non-Commercial SysEx 7E Non-Real-Time SysEx 7F Real-Time SysEx Mb: *** 3-Byte 00 01 Warner New Media 00 02 Music Logic Systems 00 03 PAIA 00 04 Othertech 00 05 K-Muse 00 06 Stypher 00 07 Digital Music 00 08 IOTA Systems 00 09 New England Digital 00 0A Artisyn 00 0B IVL 00 0C Southern Music Systems 00 0D Lake Butler Sound 00 0E Alesis 00 0F Sound Creation 00 10 DOD/Digitech 00 11 Studer-Editech 00 12 Sonus 00 13 Temporal Acuity Prod. 00 14 Jeff Tripp/Perfect Fretworks 00 15 KAT 00 16 Opcode 00 17 Rane Corp. 00 18 Spatial Sound/Anadi Inc. 00 19 KMX 00 1A Allen & Heath Brenell 00 1B Peavey Electronics 00 1C 360 Systems 00 1D Spectrum Design and Dev. 00 1E Marquis Music 00 1F Zeta Systems 00 20 Axxes (Brian Parsonett) 00 21 Orban 00 22 Indian Valley Mnfg. 00 23 Triton 00 24 KTI 00 25 Breakaway Technologies 00 26 CAE 00 27 Harrison 00 28 Future Lab 00 29 Rocktron 00 2A PianoDisc 00 2B Cannon Research Group 00 2D Rogers Instrument Corp. 00 2E Blue Sky Logic 00 2F Encore Electronics 00 30 Uptown 00 31 Voce 00 32 CTI Audio / Intel 00 33 S&S Research 00 34 Broderbund 00 35 Allen Organ Co. 00 37 Music Quest 00 38 APHEX 00 39 Gallien Krueger 00 3A IBM 00 3C Hotz 00 3D ETA Lighting 00 3E NSI 00 3F Ad Lib 00 40 Richmond Sound Design 00 41 Microsoft 00 42 The Software Toolworks 00 43 RJMG/Niche 00 44 Intone 00 47 GT Electronics/Groove Tubes 00 4F InterMIDI 00 55 Lone Wolf 00 64 Musonix 00 65 Turtle Beach Systems 20 00 Dream 20 01 Strand Lighting 20 02 Amek Systems 20 04 Dr. Böhm/Musican International 20 06 Trident Audio 20 07 Real World Studio 20 09 Yes Technology 20 0A Audiomatica 20 0B Bontempi/Farfisa 20 0C F.B.T. Elettronica 20 0E LA Audio (Larking Audio) 20 0F Zero 88 Lighting 20 10 Micon Audio 20 11 Forefront Technology 20 13 Kenton Electronics 20 15 ADB 20 16 Marshall 20 17 DDA 20 1F t.c. electronics 20 20 Doepfer *** Control Changes C0: ** 000..031 (1 line each, undefined: blank) Bank Select Modulation Breath Foot Pedal Portamento Time Data Entry Main Volume Balance Pan Expression Effect Control 1 Effect Control 2 General Purpose #1 General Purpose #2 General Purpose #3 General Purpose #4 C6: ** 064..127 (1 line each. undefined: blank) Sustain Portamento Switch Sostenuto Soft Pedal Legato Footswitch Hold #2 Sound Variation Timbre/Harmonic Int. Release Time Attack Time Brightness Sound Controller #6 Sound Controller #7 Sound Controller #8 Sound Controller #9 Sound Controller #10 General Purpose #5 General Purpose #6 General Purpose #7 General Purpose #8 Portamento Control Effect 1 Depth Effect 2 Depth Effect 3 Depth Effect 4 Depth Effect 5 Depth Data Increment Data Decrement Non-reg. P/N LSB Non-reg. P/N MSB Reg. P/N LSB Reg. P/N MSB * Mono Pitch CA:Aftertouch CN:Non assigned no.